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Why Flash Ain’t Where It’s At

​So, you’re making a website and you are looking for a Long Island web design company. You want it to get people’s attention. You want it to scream PROFESSIONAL. What’s the best way to do it? Why not a sparkly, flashy page made with, well, Flash, one of Adobe’s countless graphical programs? Certainly makes sense, doesn’t it!

So, you’re making a website. You want it to get people’s attention. You want it to scream PROFESSIONAL. What’s the best way to do it? Why not a sparkly, flashy page made with, well, Flash, one of Adobe’s countless graphical programs? Certainly makes sense, doesn’t it!

And doing so would be one of the biggest mistakes you possibly could.

Simply put, even though Flash webpages certainly look nice, they’re awful for making your website do what you want to do.

A lot has been written about why Flash is not the best graphical program to use for designing a website (for example: it doesn’t work with the back button, it can’t be searched, the user can’t increase the text size); the two biggest reasons why you shouldn’t bother with Flash are: SEO and usability. Trust us, we are an expert Long Island SEO company.

First off, Google can’t read Flash. At all. A webpage made entirely in Flash looks like a blank screen to Google. And, considering how you probably want to be ranked highly in Google, this is pretty much SEO suicide. Of course, you can circumvent this limitation by a variety of ways, such as including text below everything you have in Flash, in which case you’re ranking in spite of Flash, not because of it.

But, that limitation is minor when compared to its real limitation: a LOT of devices just can’t read Flash. While Flash’s market penetration is pretty high, you will still come up against a large segment of the population that simply won’t be able to use your website, including pretty much any mobile device made by Apple. Wouldn’t you rather have 100% of your users be able to use your website? Therefore think twice before choosing something Flashy for your website.

For a free consultation, please contact fishbat Internet marketing agency today.

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